Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Tzions Shofar:Yisrael Light of the World

Shalom & Gday All,
Nothing Pisses off an Anti-Zeminist(Anti Semite & Anti-Zionist) more than Israel. The Jewish people.

Why Because The Tanakh speaks so often of Israel, the People,The Land, Prophets of Israel & even Israels Enemies.

Yes Even the Brit Chadashah Speaks of B'Hs Promise to Israel, an yet so many will try to steal Israels Spiritual & Phycical Land Right to Exist, But what Israels Enemies seem to forget is what B'H has in store for people who stand against His Promised Land to the Israeli Jews.
For as B'H has Promised about in Israel, that Yerushalayim(jerusalem) will be a House of Prayer for all nations.

"The Shofar has Sounded, Hear its Call"