Friday, December 22, 2006

To Our True Supporters

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December 15, 2006

Anti-Semitic Hatefest in Tehran

The Iranian regime's just-concluded Holocaust denial conference -- in which a rogue's gallery of the world's leading Holocaust deniers, anti-Semites and racists took part -- was an attempt by Tehran to position itself as "the new nexus for Holocaust denial in the Muslim world." More >>

In the News:
New York Daily News
Washington Post

Anti-Semitism In The Arab World
Cartoon of the Week

Click to Enlarge

  • Iraq Study Group Gets it Wrong
    When it comes to the Arab Israeli-conflict, the Iraq Study Group falls into the traps of inappropriately linking stability in Iraq to a solution of the Arab Israeli conflict and of blaming extremism on the absence of peace, rather than recognizing that peace itself is prevented by extremism. More >>

    In the News: USA Today

  • ADL Responds to Carter’s Book with the Facts
    As Jimmy Carter tours the country to promote his new book, “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid”, ADL has responded with print ads appearing in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post, among other leading publications. More >>

    In the News: NY Times

  • Seattle Port Removes Then Restores Christmas Trees
    The Port of Seattle restored the Christmas Trees to SeaTac airport, after they were removed rather than allowing a rabbi to put up a Menorah. No menorah will be displayed, but Port officials have said they will study the situation for next year. More >>

    In the News:
    NY Times
    Seattle Times

  • Schools Get Guidance For Negotiating The 'December Dilemma'
    Every December schools and teachers are confronted with the question of how to approach the holidays without favoring one religious faith over another or making some students feel uncomfortable because their religious background is different from others. More >>

    In the News: Palm Beach Post

  • ADL and NBC’s Anti-Bias PSA’s Launched
    NBC's award-winning "The More You Know" public service campaign entered its 18th season this week with a series of new segments developed by ADL seeking to raise awareness about the consequences of hatred, prejudice and bigotry. More >>

  • House Passes Palestinian Anti-Terror Act
    The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act, which restricts aid to the Palestinian Authority until the Hamas-controlled government meets certain key criteria. The measure, previously approved by the Senate, now goes to the president for his signature. More >>

  • John Bolton's Tenure At U.N. Marked By 'Fairness, Moral Clarity'
    Outgoing U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton was praised for his "fairness, strength, courage and moral clarity," upon his announcement that he will step down when his term expires in January. More >>

  • Online Retailer Removes Auschwitz T-Shirts
    Café has removed novelty t-shirts bearing the message, "My grandparents went to Auschwitz … and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" after being notified of concerns by the League. More >>

    In the News: YNET News

  • Prager’s Attack on Muslim Congressman "Intolerant"
    “Dennis Prager’s argument that Representative-Elect Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, should not be permitted to take his oath of office on a Koran is, intolerant, misinformed and downright un-American”, the League said in a statement. More >>

    In the News: Jerusalem Post

  • ADL Mourns Nazi Hunter Elliot Welles
    For more than two decades until his retirement in 2003, Elliot Welles directed ADL’s task force on Nazi war criminals. Though he preferred to work out of the limelight, he was considered one of the most influential forces in identifying Nazis who had settled in the United States and having them extradited to stand trial abroad.

    In the News: New York Times

  • Imus Offends with Anti-Jewish Remark
    After Imus and his co-hosts on the “Imus in the Morning Show” referred to the "Jewish management at whoever we work for, CBS" as "money grubbing bastards," a classical anti-Semitic epithet, ADL sent letter to the radio host asking him to consider the potential impact of his words. More >>

  • L.A.: Area Organizations Issue Declaration For Human Rights For Immigrants
    ADL led a coalition of 18 human rights, defense and religious organizations that have signed the "Declaration of Los Angeles," approved by the Los Angeles City Council today. More >>

    In the News: NBC 4 TV

  • Washington: Law Enforcement Pros Attend Anti-Terrorism Course
    The Tenth session of the Advanced Training School (ATS) course on Extremist and Terrorist Threats was held Washington, DC attended by senior law enforcement professionals from federal, state, and local agencies from across the country. More >>

  • New Jersey: Councilman Apologizes for ‘Christian Nation’ Remarks
    After Steven Vengrow, a member of the Borough Council of New Providence, NJ called it a “Christian town” which was part of a “Christian nation,” ADL sent a letter to Vengrow pointing to the troubling nature of his comments and asking that he retract them, which he did.

    In the News: New Jersey Jewish News

  • Media Watch

    John Bolton's Departure Is a Lamentable Loss (The Forward) 12/09/06

    Hate Crime Laws Work (LA Times) 12/04/06

    Misplaced Criticism (NY Jewish Press) 12/01/06

    Editor's Note: The next edition of ADL Headlines will appear on December 21, 2006.

2006 Anti-Defamation League. All rights reserved.

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Dear Stephen,

Secretary of State James Baker and the Iraq Study Group revealed their proposals to the nation last week.

The result is outrageous.

The Baker-Hamilton group proposes to:

  1. Give amnesty to insurgents and militants (terrorists that have killed Americans in Iraq.)
  2. Invite Iran and Syria (the world’s two worst terrorist states) to be support groups to help Iraq. (These two states are responsible for the majority of the murders in Iraq.)
  3. Invite Iran and Syria to a second Madrid Conference.
  4. Recommend that Iran has no preconditions placed on them in order to join in the peace process in Iraq. (This means they will not have to suspend enrichment of uranium.)

Click here to sign the petition to President Bush. Ask him not to reward Iran by allowing them to enter into the peace talks regarding the future or Iraq.

The most disturbing of Baker’s suggestions is that Israel be excluded from the Middle East peace efforts. If you recall, Ahmadinejad has threatened to “wipe Israel off the map” and has stated that Israel has no reason to exist, and indeed, will cease to exist.

An official speaking on Baker’s proposal said, “As Baker sees this, the conference would provide a unique opportunity for the United States to strike a deal without Jewish pressure.” According to the official, Baker’s proposal has the backing of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns, and national Intelligence Director John Negroponte.

The Baker proposal has gained momentum since a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney to Saudi Arabia in November. Most of the meetings with Saudi government officials were rife with the accusation that Israel is the main cause of instability in the Middle East, not Iran.

Baker proposed that a conference be arranged to discuss Iraq’s future and “other Middle East issues.” The aim of the conference would be to win Arab support in Iraq. To secure cooperation, the U.S. would agree to pressure Israel to leave the West Bank and Golan Heights, and to give the PLO East Jerusalem. This would certainly give something to everyone – except Israel, which would be the big loser in the security arena.

Click here to sign the petition to President Bush today, and then forward this email to everyone on your list. Together, we can make a difference.

Baker’s suggestions were met with alarm by the Defense Department. Officials there warned against enlisting the aid of Iran and Syria at Israel’s expense.

A spokesperson for the Center for Security Policy has said, “The regional strategy is a euphemism for throwing Free Iraq to the wolves in its neighborhood: Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia. If the Baker regional strategy is adopted, we will prove to the world that it is better to be America’s enemy than its friend. James Baker’s hostility toward Jews is a matter of record and has endeared him to Israel’s foes in the region.”

I, in fact, was the first to challenge then-Secretary of State James Baker over Jerusalem at the first Madrid Peace Conference. I asked Baker, “Why can’t America recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital?” Baker was incensed by my remarks and said he refused to be entangled in a fruitless debate, and that the status of Jerusalem should be determined by negotiations.

As a result of Israel’s guarantee not to retaliate against Hussein (who fired 30 SCUDS into Israel during the war), Israel was to be rewarded. Instead, Baker froze $10 billion in loan guarantees that had been allocated to provide housing for Russian Jews living in tents in Israel and forced Israel to the bargaining table at Madrid. It appears that he is doing that again.

Please sign the petition to President Bush today! We must not delay; time is of the essence. We need 100,000 signatures.

Please don't just delete this. It will only take you a minute to pass this along to 10 friends! Please ask them to not delete it, but to do the same and ask the 10 they send to keep it going...and not delete it.

Keep this going around the world.

Your ambassador to Jerusalem,

Mike Evans

Join the Jerusalem Prayer Team Now!

Dear Friend of Jerusalem,

Here are some of the leading headlines, from the One Jerusalem blog:

Please, encourage your friends to sign up at so that they too, can receive up to date coverage of news and events ignored by the mainstream media.

Breaking News :: One Jerusalem Chairman Natan Sharansky to Receive Presidential Medal of Freedom: One Jerusalem is proud to announce that its Chairman, Natan Sharansky has been selected to receive one of the United States’ most prestigious awards -- the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Sharansky will join a list of past recipients that includes Nobel...(read more)

Bibi Netanyahu Becomes First Israeli Politician To...: Launch a Blog. Treading the VC Waters reports....(read more)

Baker Commission: Some Strange Recommendations: The long awaited Iraq Study Group, chaired by former Secretary of State James Baker, issued its report today. There is general agreement that America can not afford to set a time limit on when to withdraw our troops. It would...(read more)

Dateline Berlin: Muslim anti-semitism: This is report from the Economist:Anti-Semitism in Berlin, especially towards young Jews, appears to be on the rise. The capital's Central Council of Jews has received many complaints from Jewish parents whose children have been verbally and physically abused at...(read more)

Bravo to Munk Center- Psiphon To The Rescue: Millions of people throughout the world are blocked from using the Internet by governments that are determined to stop access to information that should be available to all. Red China has developed sophiscated software to curtail Internet use in the...(read more)

Sderot Youngsters Set An Example: While most Israelis are acting like powerless victims as rockets continue to fall on their communities, a group of young people marched from Sderot to the Prime Minister's office in Jerusalem with a mock missile. Perhaps this will encourage other...(read more)

AUDIO EXCLUSIVE :: Will Marshall: Progressive Internationalist: Click here for the audio file.One Jerusalem had the privilege of hosting a bloggers conference call with Will Marshall, President of the Progressive Policy Institute, editor of With All Our Might and a founder of Democrat Leadership Council.In response to questions...(read more)

Three Cheers for Xerox: Go to this web-site and send a free Christmas Card to soldier serving our country. Xerox is picking up the tab for this worthy cause....(read more)

Pope Benedict, Turkey, Islam: There are news reports of vocal protests against Pope Benedict's visit to Turkey later this week. Our friends at Gateway Pundit have an excellent post on this developing story. The Wall Street Journal has an interesting portrait of this Pope. He...(read more)

Help Keep John Bolton Fighting for America and Israel: As you are probably aware, Ambassador John Bolton is in danger of becoming a victim of politicians who want to silence his effective voice on behalf of freedom and justice at the United Nations. If the White House does not...(read more)

Audio Exclusive :: Bloggers Conference Call with Dr. Boaz Ganor: Click here to listen to the call.Dr. Ganor is the founder of the Institute for Counter Terrorism, the author of numerous books and articles, and a former adviser on international terrorism to leading governmental leaders in the State of Israel.Dr....(read more)

Together we can win the fight to maintain a united Jerusalem!

The One Jerusalem Team

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'I smell Madrid all over again'

Nov. 29, 2006

President George W. Bush is scheduled to attend Jordan's summit on Iraq along with Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. His host, King Abdullah, seems to have already articulated Arab demands, warning that the Middle East is facing a crisis with Palestine territories, Lebanon, and Iraq at the brink of civil war.

"We could possibly imagine going into 2007 and having three civil wars on our hands," Abdullah said on ABC's "This Week" program Sunday. "I keep saying Palestine is the core. It is linked to the extent of what's going on in Iraq." Abdullah said, restating the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is his top priority because the "emotional impact" of the problem "can be translated to the insecurity and frustrations throughout the Middle East and the Arab world."

Moderate Abdullah revealed the core problem, an ideological war in which an Arab world hates Israel and really believes that Jews are the root of all problems. But even more revealing is that Israel is the Little Satan in their eyes, and America, the crusaders, is the Great Satan.

It appears the turkey carving is going to be extended beyond Thanksgiving. Once again, Israel will be forced to pay the appeasement bill for Arab rage with more land.

Don't distort the reality of the global jihadist, because everyone knows that a Zionist crusader conspiracy is behind all Arab problems, anyway.

In October 1991, Israel was dragged kicking and screaming to the Middle East peace conference in Madrid. It was their reward for not retaliating as Saddam's 39 Scuds rained down upon the Bible land during the first Persian Gulf War; and, the US froze the $10-billion loan guarantee, which was money to help absorb Russian Jewish refuges.

Having covered the summit and being the first journalist to address Secretary of State James Baker, I smell Madrid all over again. Do I not recall a similar summit in Jordan after the last Persian Gulf War to launch the road map for peace? Iraq is indeed a mess, but then why should anyone be surprised? Iraq was established as the central 9-11 front on the war on terror. (Oh I forgot; it's not a world-war against Islamic fascists.) Terrorism must be fought in Iraq without chaos. (I did it again; terrorists are militia and insurgents, words that were coined by Daniel Webster to define America revolutionary fighters like George Washington, Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin.)

We don't want to offend Muslims by admitting that Muslims are killing us. When I said on 9-11 that it was Islamic al-Qaida terrorist in the planes, the network station said, "You cannot say that." So I said, "Okay, maybe it is Pygmies, Eskimos, and Tahitians."

JIMMY CARTER paid $7.9 billion to get the hostages back, but not until Iran was certain they had achieved their political objective...444 days of humiliation, and then, releasing the hostages the day of the inauguration of Ronald Reagan.

If they were willing to gamble the farm on a California cowboy, you can be sure they will do their best to give us a two-year ride on the back of the protracted terror tiger in Iraq, at least until Hillary takes the oath of office. Let's not forget it's all about stalling for time until they can make the grand announcement, "We have the Bomb."

Syria and Iran have been the jihadist traffic controllers in and out of Iraq, so you can be sure they will have seats of honor at the appeasement party. To give the terrorist cartel an invitation to the VIP summit to help with stability and democracy in Iraq is the theater of the absurd. Why should anyone be shocked at chaos?

The US gave Syria one billion dollars for showing support at the first Persian Gulf War. You can be sure the prize will be much higher to slow down the tide of body bags in Iraq.

Israel was never allowed to fight a war against terror with the P.A. Every time they tried, the US ran to the rescue of the billionaire Noble Peace Prize winner and godfather of World Terror, Yasser Arafat.

Texas "T" ruled the day, not moral clarity. It all began when Israel was forced out of Lebanon by US liberals.

What's wrong with killing terrorists in Iraq, no matter if they were wearing a police or a military uniform? Do you think the families of 9-11 gave their loved ones so Iraq can have a democracy? Why not get over it and fight the war like the greatest generation did with Iraq as the central front?

The US needs to get the innocent Iraqi refuges out of the country. That would be a great reason to have a summit. And, why not establish a base in Israel and recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital? That would end the "drive the Jews into the sea ideology" once and for all.

I asked Secretary Baker to do that in Madrid; his response was, "You will not engage me in fruitless dialogue."

Iran and its death cults are on a fast track to wipe the Little Satan (Israel) off the map with an atomic bomb.

Robert Gates, President Bush's nominee for Secretary of Defense, wants to talk with Iran and Syria. Why not let the 22,000-plus American families who have a wounded son or daughter talk with Iran, especially since 85 percent of all IEDs in Iraq are from Iran, according to former IDF Chief of Staff General Moshe Ya'alon?

Why not let the American families of the dead Marines killed in Lebanon in 1983, or the thousands of families who have a wounded or dead loved one in Israel? Why not talk to Syria since Syria has armed Hizbullah, Hamas and the PLO for decades, and is presently turning Lebanon into the killing fields?

Did America really think we could go to Babylon and not get bitten? It's a shame that George Bush's 80-year-old childhood Sunday school teacher could not have advised him. She could have read him Revelations 18:2, "Babylon the great is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird..."

Now the issue is: Will we fight a world war on terror in Iraq or fight in our back- yard? You can be sure if we run, they will be coming to a theater near you.

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May the spirit of the Macabees yet again return to Israel and help us defeat and remove enemies from Jewish land.

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Wake up, Israel !

by Joseph Farah.

(Lebanese-American begs Jews to start facing reality.)

I don't know what it will take to awaken Israelis from their slumber. But I know they don't have much more time.

For years, Israelis have fooled themselves into thinking they could negotiate peace with all their neighbours – even those whose only real objective is to see all the Jews dead.

Israelis have convinced themselves that if they are reasonable, if they go the extra mile, if they just continue to demonstrate random acts of compassion for their enemies, that they will be their enemies no longer. It should be clear to everyone by now that these random acts of compassion are actually random acts of suicidal compassion.

Take, for instance, last year's exodus from the Gaza Strip. The Israelis forcibly dismantled the homes and communities of perfectly law-abiding Jews bringing prosperity and life to a previously unsettled, arid land.

Why did they do it? Because Gaza is to be part of the new Palestinian state. And the Palestinian Authority, the governing institution of this pre-state, doesn't want any Jews in their new country. The Israelis didn't argue that this is a racist notion. They didn't protest that no nation should be created on such a foundation of hatred. They didn't suggest that forcibly removing law-abiding civilians from their homes and businesses because of their religion and ethnicity represents the worst form of ethnic cleansing.

…The idea of withdrawing from Gaza was to give the terrorists what they said they wanted – land for their new state. But that was never the real goal. The real goal is the destruction of Israel . The new state is only a means of getting there.

…If you give this beast an inch, it will take a mile. You cannot quench its appetite with appeasement. It only makes the beast more ravenous. Will Israel ever learn? When will the Jewish state awaken from this slumber? How long can a nation keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results?

Food for Thought. by Steven Shamrak

In Fiji army removed their corrupt government from power in a bloodless coup. The Turkish army, in order to protect the democratic principles of their country, has removed the Islamic threat several times. Who is defending and protecting the rights and future of Jewish people in Israel ? When will the self-hating and corrupt political elite be deposed? When will the treachery be stopped?

Carter's False Book. A Middle East expert, Ken Stein, resigned from Emory University's Carter Center over former President Carter's new book. The book "is replete with factual errors, superficialities, glaring omissions and simply invented segments. Aside from the one-sided nature of the book…" Stein wrote.

US Fake Policy. The Republican government blames Israel for the war in Iraq and pressures Israel to give up Jewish land to a blood-thirsty enemy. Also, there are reports that Hamas met with a delegation of "important Democrats" in Europe .

Made in Israel. The Israeli-made "Trophy" system designed to protect tanks and troop transports from shoulder-fired rockets will be tested by the Pentagon for possible use by U.S. forces in Iraq . Its manufacturer, Rafael, puts the system's reliability rate at about 95 percent. (…as opposed to "Terrorism", the only internationally renowned product made by Arabs.)

Vanguard of Terror. According to Ahmed Hales Abu Maher - the Secretary of Fatah in Gaza , thirteen years after the signing of the Oslo Accords, the PLO remains proud of its role as the source of global terror and an inspiration for terrorists worldwide who have copied their techniques. (Arabs do not even hide their pride. There are many anti-Semites and Jewish self-haters, who will do positive spin for them!)

When Will Self-Defeat End? Education Minister Yuli Tamir's order to return the Green Line to maps of Israel in new textbooks was met with a firestorm of protest including a rabbinical decree against using the new textbooks. (Despite of Oslo War, Kassam rockets and suicide bombers, political stupidity still prevails in Israel !)

No Need for False Hopes. Addressing members of his Kadima faction on Monday, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated there is no need to place false hopes on the current ceasefire. He said once Israel responds to the rocket attacks, the ceasefire will be a thing of the past. (It is all a game to him … playing with the lives of Jews and with the future of Israel .)

Quote of the Week:

"They [Muslims] could have destroyed the Arc of the Covenant and the goddamn Israeli government wouldn't give a shit. This is a government without and pride or reason to exist. An Israeli government that allows Moslems to trample on Jewish treasures loses its right to exist. We have Jewish leaders without an ounce of pride." Aaron Shuster, comment about destruction of Jewish treasure on the Temple Mount by Muslims.

Is this Nazi Germany Here? Arab marauders smashed up a Talmud Torah in the northern city of Acco ( Acre) over the Sabbath, painting Arabic graffiti and swastikas on the walls, destroying furniture, and scattering holy books. Rabbi Shushan said that in his 30 years in the city, he had "never experienced an Arab pogrom like this one..." Several days ago, a band of Arab youths attacked and cruelly beat a Jewish girl. Six months ago, local Arabs burned trees standing at the entrance to the Talmud Torah, and during the recent Simchat Torah holiday, Arabs surrounded students from the local Yeshivat Hesder [who combine Torah study and army service] and threatened them, until one student was forced to fire in the air to disperse them. (Clear Israel from the filth of all Jewish haters!)

A Bit Too Late. Three months after the last war in Lebanon a report was released, relating that Hezbollah operated from within civilian centers and used mosques and homes to store missiles. The terrorists also moved missiles on vehicles that travelled close to ambulances. During the war, the IDF supplied aerial photographs of Hezbollah terrorists moving weapons into civilian buildings. (Why don't we see those images on our TV screen? The war is won not only on the battle fields but on the front pages of newspapers. When will the Israeli government learn about the importance of the "Media War"?)

Jewish Contribution to Humanity.

Rodion Yakovlevich Malinovsky (November 1898 – March, 1967) was a Soviet military commander, who played a key role in World War II, including the major defeat of Nazi Germany during the Batle of Stalingrad.

One Way Assault. Police are recommending filing charges of assaulting a police officer against Pinchas Wallerstein, head of the Benjamin Regional Council district in Samaria, for allege assault of an officer in an effort to prevent police from forcibly removing Jews from their homes. (Why is the Geneva Convention ignored and why are Jews deported from their homes on their land? Who will charge the Israeli police and government with the assault and violation of Human rights?)

French Election in Gaza. French Socialist presidential candidate Segolene Royal visited PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Gaza and expressed her support for a new Arab state. Royal also said that Israel has the right to exists as a sovereign country. (It is very generous of her to allow Jews to exist. But, we want to live on all our land and do not need the blessing of a French political prostitute!)

Helping the Enemy. Israel's deputy defense minister, Ephraim Sneh, pledged to reform the rules currently keeping Palestinian Americans from staying in the West Bank. (When will the stupidity end?)

Back-room Betrayal. Syrian-backed Hezbolah may be poised to stage a revolution in Lebanon as back-room negotiations between the US and Syria commence. The insurgents that have plagued US troops in Iraq have for the most part entered the country from Syria. The US is planning to engage Syria and Iran in negotiations in order to enable the US to formulate an exit strategy. Syrian's "top demand" from the US and Britain is that Israel be pressured to withdraw from the Golan. (In order to save face the US is prepared to make a deal with the devil. In the process Israel and Lebanon will be betrayed!)

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The long-awaited Iraq Study Group Report was released on Wednesday.

Read a synopsis of the bi-partisan commission's report.

Read the entire report online.

Conversations' with the enemy
As things stand now, however, negotiating with Iran and Syria over the future of Iraq is about as promising a strategy for preventing more bloodshed as negotiating with Adolf Hitler over the future of Czechoslovakia was in 1938.

Click Here

This way out?
While the report properly calls for the Iraqi government to do more to reconcile warring factions, take greater control over its defense and defeat insurgent-terrorists, the ISG falls into a trap set by panel co-chair James Baker, who has long believed that what the United States and Israel do determines the behavior of unelected dictators and religious fanatics.

Read More

A Middle East Peace Conference without Israel
According to Thursday's issue of the conservative Washington Times' Insight magazine, the White House was looking into proposal by former Secretary of State James Baker to hold a Middle East peace conference without Israel.

Read More

Islam gets concessions; infidels get conquered
"...when Muslims beat infidels, it's just too bad for the latter; they must submit to their new overlords' rules with all the attendant discrimination and humiliation mandated for non-Muslims. Yet when Islam is beaten, demands for apologies and concessions are expected from the infidel world at large."

Read More

Sign Our Petition to President Bush
President Bush must be encouraged to use all means at his disposal to prevent nuclear proliferation in Iran.

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Friday 12/08/2006
News Summary:
  • Ehud Olmert comments on the Baker-Hamilton report.
  • «A significant failure »: that is the conclusion of the commission responsible for examining the escape of the serial rapist Beni Sela.
  • Tsipi Livni completes her visit to France.
  • Hizbollah is continuing its rearmament by Syria and Iran.

  • 2006-12-03 , 12 Kislev 5767

    On her arrival in Israel, many journalists were surprised by the overly late reaction by Segolene Royal to condemn the statements of a Hizbollah parliamentarian, Ali Ammar, comparing the Nazi occupation of France to the "occupation of Lebanon by the Zionist entity".

    Monday 12/04/2006
    News Summary:
  • Israel: continuing its policy of restraint in Gaza.
  • Kassam fire on the Negev: no victims.
  • The Islamic Jihad: imminent attacks against Israel.
  • The Israeli government: concerned over the situation in Lebanon.
  • A European and French diplomatic ballet in the region.

  • 2006-12-04 , 13 Kislev 5767

    The General Secretary of the Arab League is expecting an escalation in violence in Beirut after the death of a pro-Syrian Shiite on Monday . The military presence has been reinforced in the Lebanese capital.

    Tuesday 12/05/2006
    News Summary:
  • Another kassam fired on Israel: no victims or damage to property.
  • Olmert justifies his policy of restraint, but is criticized by Binyamin Netanyahu.
  • Segolene Royale is received by Ehud Olmert and promises to prevent Iran from developing its nuclear program if she becomes president.
  • The dollar has hit its lowest point in 5 years.

  • 2006-12-05 , 14 Kislev 5767

    Ismail Haniyeh will "fight the occupier until it falls". The Palestinian Prime Minister, on a visit to Damascus, said that the Palestinians ''will fight until the end of the Zionist occupation and they will set up a state with Jerusalem as its capital".

    Wednesday 12/06/2006
    News Summary:
  • The Minister of Education wants to publish new schoolbooks showing Israel’s borders as the pre-1967 borders.
  • Bibi Netanyahu blasts the Olmert government: exclusive Guysen TV interview.
  • The annual report of the State Comptroller on the IDF reveals numerous failings.
  • The orthodox are continuing their call for a boycott of El Al on account of its flights on Shabbat.

  • 2006-12-09 , 18 Kislev 5767

    Iranian President Ahmadinejad supports the continuation of the "Palestinian resistence in the face of the Zionist occupier". He said that he is convinced that this method "will lead to the victory" of the Palestinians. He made these comments during a visit by Ismail Haniyeh to Iran.

    Sunday 12/10/2006
    A review of last week:
  • The serial rapist beni sela apprehended.
  • Israel is continuing its policy of restraint despite violations of the cease-fire by the Palestinians.
  • Tsipi Livni on a visit to France. And Segolene Royale in Israel. Both women insisted on the necessity of countering the Iraqi nuclear danger.
  • Ehud Olmert has not ruled out the use of force vis-a-vis Teheran.
  • A look at the new IDF elite kfir brigade.

  • 2006-12-10 , 19 Kislev 5767

    Avigdor Lieberman said that Israel has the right to demand that its citizens be faithful to the country. ''Those who do not wish to recognize Israel as a Jewish, Zionist state cannot be citizens. This is the same for Neturei Karta as for members of the Islamic Movement'', he added.

    Monday 12/11/2006
    News Summary:
  • Giant demonstration in Beirut.
  • Damascus prepares for conflict with Israel.
  • A commemoration in Yad Vashem of the persecution of the Jews of Tunisia.

  • 2006-12-11 , 20 Kislev 5767

    A nuclear Iran: talks were resumed at the UN on Monday regarding a resolution to impose sanctions on Iran for its refusal to suspend its uranium enrichment. This resolution could be adopted before the end of 2006.

    Thuesday 12/12/2006
    News Summary :
  • An IDF soldier seriously injured by Palestinian fire near Jenin
  • Gaza : 4 Palestinians killed, 3 of whom children in an inter Palestinian attack
  • Teheran : the opening of a conference on the denial of the Shoah. The Knesset strongly condemned the event
  • Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on a visit to Germany and Italy, plays down the risk of war with Syria
  • Southern front; Tsahal has destroyed a major arms depot in the Gaza Strip
  • In Israel, lotto fever for the big prize of 50 million shekels
  • Exchange rates
  • The weather forecast

  • 2006-12-12 , 21 Kislev 5767

    Following Ehud Olmert's comments on Israel's nuclear capacity, the Gulf countries are calling on the United States and the international community to "put pressure on Israel by imposing sanctions. It is time to see that peace and security are threatened (by Israel)'', the head of the Gulf cooperation council explained.

    Wednesday 12/13/2006
    News Summary:
  • Olmert slips up: Israel has nuclear weapons.
  • The close of the conference of the denial of the Shoah in Teheran.
  • Anger growing in Gaza over the assassination of three children of a Fatah official.

  • 2006-12-13 , 22 Kislev 5767

    Serbia and Russia joined the international condemnation of the conference on the denial of the Shoah that was held in Iran. Serbia called this conference ''pseudo-scientific and harmful''. Russia openly condemned Iran's attitude.

    Thursday 12/14/2006
    News Summary:
  • Ehud Olmert in Rome received by the Pope and his counterpart Romano Prodi.
  • Tsipi Livni warns of an anti-Israeli terror attack in India.
  • Upsurge of anti-Israeli violence in Judea and Samaria.
  • The Gaza Strip once again on the verge of civil war.
  • El-Al boycotted by orthodox Jewish authorities.

    Friday 12/15/2006
    News Summary:
  • Another two kassams on the western Negev: one injured.
  • Unrest in Judea and Samaria: an attack was foiled and terrorists were killed by the security forces.
  • The Supreme Court authorizes targeted attacks on terrorists, but with reservations.
  • Ismail Hanyeh is authorized by Israel to return to Gaza but without the tens of millions of dollars that he was bringing from Iran.
  • Inter Palestinian fighting continues in Gaza.
  • The Labor party Central Committee has set the dates of the primaries for the end of May, against a background of the disputed leadership of Amir Peretz.
  • Tonight is the first night of Chanukah.

    Monday 11/27/2006
    News Summary:
  • 5 kassams on Sderot despite a cease-fire announced by Abu Mazen.
  • The IDF is withdrawing from Gaza.
  • “Give Abu Mazen a chance” Ehud Olmert and Amir Peretz declare, but the Defense Minister said that any more fire on Israel would be responded to harshly.
  • Thousands of members of the Palestinian security services have been deployed in the north of the Gaza Strip to prevent violations of the ceasefire.
  • A visit to Israel by the French minister for Urban Planning Christian Estrosi.

  • 2006-11-27 , 6 Kislev 5767

    Tsipi Livni has said that a permanent peace can be achieved on condition that the international community supports Palestinian moderates and isolates the extremists.

    Tuesday 11/28/2006
    News Summary:
  • Ehud Olmert is proposing to the Palestinians to commit to a « new way ».
  • Two more kassams hit the western Negev, despite the ceasefire.
  • The serial rapist Benny Sela still at large.

  • 2006-11-28 , 7 Kislev 5767

    Prime Minister Ehud Olmert expressed his disappointment with the continuing kassam fire on Israel. "I hope that the Palestinians will respect their commitment and put an end to the attacks", he said during a meeting with ambassadors from EU countries.

    Wednesday 11/29/2006
    News Summary:
  • 2 Kassam rockets fired from Gaza on Sderot.
  • Amir Peretz: the IDF will react against any violation of the cease-fire
  • Israel has given its agreement for the deployment of the Palestinian “Badr brigade” based in Jordan, to Gaza.
  • Sylvan Shalom: Hamas is exploiting the ceasefire as an opportunity to rearm.
  • An increase in incidents in Judea and Samaria.
  • A threat of a general strike from Wednesday, called by the Histadrut.

  • 2006-11-29 , 8 Kislev 5767

    The Guysen team was present at the demonstration opposite the European Parliament in Brussels, for the release of the three Israeli soldiers held hostage.

    Thursday 11/30/2006
    News Summary:
  • Tsipi Livni: appointed Justice Minister.
  • A general strike in the public sector in Israel.
  • A solidarity demonstration for the three kidnapped Israeli soldiers opposite the European Parliament in Brussels.
  • 59 years ago today, the UN voted to create a Jewish state in Israel.

  • Dear Stephen,

    It is impossible to think that the U.S. is about to bless Iran and Syria with a place at the negotiating table to determine the future of Iraq. What effrontery that either nation would demand or expect such a position. You can be sure these terrorist states will curse Israel and demand more Bible land to appease Arab rage.

    According to Tom Casey of the State Department, “We want Iraq to have good relationships with its neighboring countries. They're a sovereign state, and it's up to them as to how they pursue it." It is difficult for me to imagine that the country supplying 85 percent of the IEDs used to kill American troops in Iraq now wants to participate in a summit to stop the violence in Iraq. Or, for that matter, that Syria, a swinging door for terrorists wishing to enter Iraq, is pushing for a place at the bargaining table.

    Jalal Talabani, President of Iraq, has been invited to Iran this weekend for talks with Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad. Apparently Talabani plans to attend in order to “discuss the security situation and the repercussions for stability of the region.”

    To add insult to the injuries and deaths in Iraq that can be laid directly at the feet of Iran and Syria, the Iraq Study Group, headed by former Secretary of State James Baker, is set to recommend that Iran and Syria be included. Baker is not the only one urging the U.S. to openly negotiate with not one but two terrorist-funding, terrorist-harboring states. Senator Barack Obama is also urging the U.S. to include Syria and Iran in an attempt to halt the sectarian violence in Iraq.

    Click here to sign the petition to President Bush. Ask him not to reward Iran by allowing them to enter into the peace talks regarding the future or Iraq.

    Democratic Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, who is considering a presidential run, said today in a Chicago speech that the U.S. ought to talk with Syria and Iran to try to restore stability to Iraq, as had Secretary of Defense nominee Robert Gates.

    This is outrageous. Iran has threatened to “wipe Israel off the map.” Ahmadinejad has intimated that he has 52,000 suicide bombers ready to attack the U.S. Now both Ahmadinejad and al-Assad have been invited to tea.

    Every family in Israel that has lost a loved one in a terror attack knows that the funds to arm the terrorists came from Iran through Syria. The liberal, secular media has fed the American public a constant stream of lies, lies, lies. To invite Syria and Iran to the peace talks is like inviting the Nazi Party to peace talks even as smoke and ashes pour from the ovens in Auschwitz.

    This is another in a series of appeasement plans that, in the past, have invited 20,000 attempted suicide bombings in Israel by the Nobel Peace Prize-winning godfather of terrorism, Yasser Arafat. If American plays the appeasement game, you can be sure terrorists will be coming to a theater near you. Weakness draws vultures to a dying carcass.

    Click here to sign the petition to President Bush today, and then forward this email to everyone on your list. Together, we can make a difference.

    I was with standing with a group of Marines in Lebanon when the barracks were blown up by Iranian proxies in October 1983. I gave Bibles and prayed with many of the Marines the night before the bombing, when so many died. I was in Somalia when a Blackhawk helicopter was shot down by al-Qaeda operatives, and so many died. In both instances, the U.S. did nothing.

    I challenged Yasser Arafat during his speech in Geneva at the 43rd General Assembly in a room filled with terrorists. I said, “Denounce terrorism.” That same day, I received death threats from many of the terrorists in the room. I challenged James Baker at the Madrid Peace Conference. The U.S. froze $10 billion in loan guarantees, even after telling Israel that it would be rewarded if it did not retaliate when attacked with SCUDS during the first Persian Gulf War. That was their reward…along with being forced to the bargaining table in Madrid to carve up the Bible land in an attempt to appease Arab rage.

    This is the same James Baker heading the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group. Their presidential plan on Iraq is to be released in a few weeks. This is the same James Baker who used an unacceptable expletive when refereeing to the Jews because, as he said, “…they didn’t vote for us.” He will advise President Bush to do the same…demand more Bible land in appeasement for Arab rage.

    We must move quickly. The Bible says, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curses thee.” Israel is being cursed; it is in harm’s way. Iran is being blessed. This insanity must stop. We need one million people worldwide to sign the petition to let President Bush know that he needs to stand firmly on his principles, and not cave in to the liberal left.

    Please sign the petition to President Bush today! We must not delay; time is of the essence. We need 100,000 signatures.

    Please don't just delete this. It will only take you a minute to pass this along to 10 friends! Please ask them to not delete it, but to do the same and ask the 10 they send to keep it going...and not delete it.

    Keep this going around the world.

    Your ambassador to Jerusalem,

    Mike Evans

    Join the Jerusalem Prayer Team Now!

    Dear Stephen,

    This week, President Bush will be attending Jordon’s Summit on Iraq along with Iraq’s Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki. His Host, King Abdullah, seems to have already articulated Arab demands, warning that the Middle East is facing a crisis with Palestine Territories, Lebanon, and Iraq at the brink of civil war.

    “We could possibly imagine going into 2007 and having three civil wars on our hands,” Abdullah said on ABC’s “This Week” program Sunday. “I keep saying Palestine is the core. It is linked to the extent of what’s going on in Iraq.”

    Abdullah said restating the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is his top priority because the “emotional impact” of the problem “can be translated to the insecurity and frustrations throughout the Middle East and the Arab world.” Moderate Abdullah revealed the core problem, an ideological war in which an Arab World hates Israel and really believes that Jews are the root of all problems. But even more revealing is that Israel is the Little Satan in their eyes, and America, the crusaders, is the Great Satan.

    It appears the turkey carving is going to be extended beyond Thanksgiving. Once again, Israel will be forced to pay the appeasement bill for Arab rage with more land.

    Click here to sign the petition to President Bush. Ask him not to allow Israel to become a bartering chip for peace in Iraq.

    Don’t distort the reality of the Global Jihadist, because everyone knows that a Zionist Crusader conspiracy is behind all Arab problems, anyway.

    In October 1991, Israel was dragged kicking and screaming to the Middle East peace conference in Madrid. It was their reward for not retaliating as Saddam’s 39 SCUDS rained down upon the Bible land during the first Persian Gulf War; and, the U.S. froze the 10-billion-dollar loan guarantee, which was money to help absorb Russian Jewish refuges.

    Having covered the summit and being the first journalist to address Secretary of State James Baker, I smell Madrid all over again. Do I not recall a similar summit in Jordon after the last Persian Gulf War to launch the Road Map for peace?

    Iraq is indeed a mess, but then why should anyone be surprised? Iraq was established as the central 9-11 front on the war on terror. (Oh I forgot; it’s not a world-war against Islamic fascists.) Terrorism must be fought in Iraq without chaos. (I did it again; terrorists are militia and insurgents, words that were coined by Daniel Webster to define America revolutionary fighters like George Washington, Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin.)

    We don’t want to offend Muslims by admitting that Muslims are killing us. When I said on 9-11 that it was Islamic Al-Qaeda terrorist in the planes, the network station said, “You cannot say that.” so I said, “Okay, maybe it is Pygmies, Eskimos, and Tahitians.

    Jimmy Carter paid 7.9 billion to get the hostages back, but not until Iran was certain they had achieved their political objective...444 days of humiliation, and then, releasing the hostages the day of the inauguration of Ronald Regan. If they were willing to gamble the farm on a California cowboy, you can be sure they will do their best to give us a two-year ride on the back of the protracted terror tiger in Iraq, at least until Hillary takes the oath of office. Let’s not forget it’s all about stalling for time until they can make the grand announcement, “We have the Bomb.”

    Syria and Iran have been the Jihadist traffic controllers in and out of Iraq, so you can be sure they will have seats of honor at the appeasement party. To give the terrorist cartel an invitation to the VIP Summit to help with stability and democracy in Iraq is the theater of the absurd. Why should anyone be shocked at chaos? Welcome to the world of Middle East terror, or as they call it in Israel, the Iraqi intifida.

    The U.S. gave Syria one billion dollars for showing support at the first Persian Gulf War. You can be sure the prize will be much higher to slow down the tide of body bags in Iraq.

    Israel was never allowed to fight a war against terror with the P.A. Every time they tried, the U.S. ran to the rescue of the billionaire Noble Peace Prize winner and godfather of World Terror, Yasir Arafat. Texas “T” ruled the day, not moral clarity. It all began when Israel was forced out of Lebanon by U.S. Liberals.

    What’s wrong with killing terrorists in Iraq, no matter if they were wearing a police or a military uniform? Do you think the families of 9-11 gave their loved ones so Iraq can have a democracy? Why not get over it and fight the war like the greatest generation did with Iraq as the central front?

    The U.S. needs to get the innocent Iraqi refuges out of the country. That would be a great reason to have a summit. And, why not establish a base in Israel and recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital? That would end the “drive the Jews into the sea ideology” once and for all. I asked Secretary Baker to do that in Madrid; his response was, “You will not engage me in fruitless dialogue.”

    Iran and its death cults are on a fast track to wipe the Little Satan (Israel) off the map with an Atomic Bomb.

    Click here to sign the petition to President Bush today, and then forward this email to everyone on your list. Together, we can make a difference.

    Robert Gates, President Bush’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, wants to talk with Iran and Syria. Why not let the 22,000-plus American families who have a wounded son or daughter talk with Iran, especially since 85 percent of all IEDs in Iraq are from Iran, according to General Moshe Yaalon, former chief of staff of Israel? Why not let the American families of the dead Marines killed in Lebanon in 1983, or the thousands of families who have a wounded or dead loved one in Israel? Why not talk to Syria since Syria has armed Hezbollah, HAMAS and the PLO for decades, and is presently turning Lebanon into the killing fields?

    Did America really think we could go to Babylon and not get bitten? It’s a shame that George Bush’s 80-year-old childhood Sunday school teacher could not have advised him. She could have read him Revelations 18:2, “Babylon the great is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird…”

    Now the issue is: Will we fight a world war on terror in Iraq or fight in our backyard? You can be sure if we run, they will be coming to a theater near you.

    Please sign the petition to President Bush today! We must not delay; time is of the essence. We need 100,000 signatures.

    Please don't just delete this. It will only take you a minute to pass this along to 10 friends! Please ask them to not delete it, but to do the same and ask the 10 they send to keep it going...and not delete it.

    Keep this going around the world.

    Your ambassador to Jerusalem,

    Mike Evans

    Sign up to receive articles by Dr. Evans, as well as the Week in Review

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    With this one-time only email, we are offering three New York Times bestsellers by Michael D. Evans. You will receive two copies of Showdown with Nuclear Iran, two copies of Beyond Iraq: The Next Move, and one copy of The American Prophecies for a gift of $100. Each book will be autographed, and shipping and handling is included.

    Click here to make your $100 Christmas donation, and your books will be shipped to you within 5 to 7 days. You will receive them in time for gift-giving.

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